![]() ![]() Did we really survive?February 1987 at around 10pm my wife and I were on our way home. We were southbound on the 605 freeway, about one mile from the I-405 interchange -- I was driving. Suddenly in the darkness ahead I saw a very large silhouette in our lane. It appeared to be a large sofa-sized object. To avoid it, I instinctively swerved left and then immediately tried to straighten. Just at that moment the rear tires of the car lost their grip and we started spinning. We did two complete 360-degree spins while continuing going south. Time seemed to slow down. With each spin we could see headlights coming directly at us.![]() ![]() ...all possible outcomes exist at all times.I really don't know what the statistics are, but I believe that had any vehicle come into contact with our spinning car the outcome would have been much worse. Was there something special watching over us that night? Was it coincidence? Was there Divine intervention? In the circles of quantum physics it is theorized that all possible outcomes exist at all times. That being the case perhaps in some dimension we did not necessarily survive the accident but our consciousness chose our current plane of existence, thus we were able to go on unscathed... Is this possible? Perhaps this is far-fetched to some -- maybe it was simply a coincidence.Like a cartoon character running off a cliff...![]() ![]() More questions arise. Do we all exist on the same plane? Do our fellow humans all exist in the same dimension as we do and at the same time? Do we all perceive the environment around us the same way or do we just agree on what may actually be quite differing perceptions? Is What I know as the color red the same thing that you see as red, or do we simply agree that a different personally perceived pigment or light characteristic is "red?" Is perception the same as interpretation? I can ask the question and I can submit possibilities based on my subjective reasoning -- reasoning derived from my own experiences or personal observations. Since I am not a scientist, I cannot put forth a scientfic cause and/or effect... but, I can ponder and speculate. Postcript - What the Bleep Do We Know!?Postcript - after this column was posted, I was invited to view a film called What the Bleep Do We Know!? The film uses quantum theory to explain many related concepts. Click to find out more about the filmBibliographic Entry
Gigliotti, Lorenzo. "Down the Rabbit Hole..." The Random Times Volume 1. #17 (2004):
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