From the quixotic mind of Lorenzo Gigliotti 
- The Random Times
Today is Tuesday, February 18, 2025

Random thoughts from a quixotic mind.*

Art, Religion, Science,
Technology, Faith & Philosophy

Welcome to The Random Times -- perspectives regarding art, science, technology, and faith. Nonlinear, or quantum thinking, humor, parables, and rhetoric are used to develop various themes. Though information may be set down as fact, note that sources will rarely be cited. Hearsay, literature and personal observation are often employed and sometimes the obvious is stated. Speculation is also here in great abundance. It has been said that lies become rumor -- given enough time, rumor becomes myth -- myth becomes legend and there is always a fragment of truth in legend. A Sunday morning talk show pundit once proclaimed -- "Any idiot who can click a keyboard can publish on the Internet." Perhaps I am proving the truth of that statement.

A collection of random columns
Art, Religion, Science, Technology, Faith & Philosophy - Why? What & Why Random Times?
• What? • Why? • Nonlinear • Building on my thoughts
• Quotes • Context • Expertise, credentials and experience
• Hypocritical • God, Optimism, Cynicism & Skepticism
• Nonsequitur • Stating the obvious • Clichιs and puns • One last thing • Style

'How I Rigged the Lotto!'
32. Can the Lotto Be Rigged?
• "How I Rigged the Lotto!" • Enter a Partner • "How We Did It" • Waiting for the Perfect Storm • 39, 34,19, 38, 9, 21 • So what happened next?

Santa Claus
31. "Yes Virginia" and Apparently He Drinks Coca Cola!
• Yes Virginia, there is a Santa Claus.

When Hell Freezes Over...
30. "When Hell Freezes Over..."
• Finding Hell - ZIP Code 48169 • "...on the highway to Hell..." •  Going to Hell • The Route to Hell • A Snowball's Chance In Hell!

I-Televison Network - IPTV
29. Another Gold Rush!
• From Grassroots to Municipal • Digital Divide and E-Government • The New Broadcast Networks • So who are these new networks? • Google TV?

Realty blues? Saint it ain't so 
By Tom Hennessy 28. Realty blues? Saint it ain't so
• By Tom Hennessy • Their nominee: St. Joseph. • Is all this for real? Maybe.
• Big in Long Beach • Underground agent

From EV to Hybrid - From Hybrid to PHEV 27. From EV to Hybrid - From Hybrid to PHEV
• Enter the "Plug-in" Hybrid (PHEVs)? • No surprise here...
• "The genie is out of the bottle..."

Having All Knowledge Onboard 26. Having All Knowledge Onboard
• "One voice...One many..." • "...largest collection of knowledge ever assembled." • "Nanosizing" & Wireless Freedom • Existing Technology • Caveats • ...the usability of the Internet...incomplete. • Analog vs. Digital? • "...'metaphysical' or 'super-natural'... scientifically possible... the ultimate destination?" • Do we want to create God... do we want to be God? ...

Technology and e-God
25. In Our Own Image?
• "...the largest collection of knowledge ever assembled." • "If God did not exist, it would be necessary to invent him." • The Good, the Bad and the Ugly • Now back to our subject: Inventing e-God... • Weighted Randomness

Quantum Thought? - Selling 'Irish Whiskey' the Movie 24. "I'm a movie director selling my movie..."
• "So this guy shows up on my porch..." Selling "Irish Whiskey" • A "Must See" • " are Visa and Mastercard" • "Neither Spielberg nor Coppola have stopped by..." • Now how does any of this fit into • 50,000,000 Unit Sales... • "...he's going to knock on one door that will open all of the rest..."

Science & Technology -- i-Broadcasting
Click 23. "i-Broadcasting"
• The cat's out of the bag... • The communal experience • Podcasting • "The regular folks..." • Wi-fi and WIMAX • Roadcasting • Is it too good to be true? • As for the future... • "Whenever doors seem to close, new ones open..."
Science & Technology -- Innovative Searching
Click 22. "Google is Great!"
• Innovative Searching • The Early Search Engine Wars • "...whoever controls the searches will eventually control the web." • Adsense & Adwords -- Non-linear Business Model of Perpetual Revenue? • Sharing the Wealth and Creating Incentive • Local Focus... • Win, Win, Win • " good idea goes uncopied..."
Religion, Science & Faith -- Art and Technology expression of one's soul
Click 21. Art and Technology -- Less Perfection is Perfect
• " expression of one's soul." • Low Tech Art vs. High Tech Art • So how does this fit in with technology and art? • Dead Actors Acting in New Films? • Creating perfection... • Back to the topic... art and technology... • ...sometimes the proximity of the hand to the finished product can be most compelling.
Religion, Science, Faith & Quantum Thought - 
Shameless Promotion, Spam and the Book Deal 
Click 20. Shameless Self-Promotion, Spam and My Book Deal
• Is it spam or ...? • After all everyone who's "anyone" is publishing these days... or is that anyone who is everyone...? • ..."idiot who can click a keyboard" and boom I came up "NUMBER ONE"... • When is it coming out?
Religion, Science, Faith & Quantum Thought - 
The Journey Thus Far...
Click 19. The Journey Thus Far...
• A Personal Reconciliation • Google, Yahoo and others bring eyeballs to for many reasons... • ...some may be using the site to settle "bar-bets" • Knowing more and more about less and less... • Get to the point!!! Jeez! • "...things that I don't know, may not recall, may never know, may not want to recall or may not want to know..."
Religion, Science, Faith & Quantum Thought - 
18. Dreams
• Metamorphic Dream
Religion, Science, Faith & Quantum Thought - 
Down the Rabbit Hole
17. Down the Rabbit Hole...
• Did we really survive? • ...all possible outcomes exist at all times. • Like a cartoon character running off a cliff... • Postcript - What the Bleep Do We Know!?
Religion, Science & Faith - 
DB Dinners?
 - Replicating out of thin air... 
16. The Replicator
• From Thin Air • Fictional device? • Replication using today's technology • Implications... • Far-reaching implications • What does this mean for the retail consumer? • Replicate at home... • An economic shift and new business models... • TV Dinner vs. the DB Dinner • The Long Term
Religion, Science & Faith - 
 Mary in My Garden
- Faith vs Scientific Explanation 
15. Mary in My Garden
• Faith vs Scientific Explanation • Less than Zero and Getting Worse • "...If only you'd believe in miracles, so would I...." • "When I find myself in times of trouble, Mother Mary comes to me..." • Convergence • ...sometimes faith over-rules scientific explanation or perhaps they are actually intertwined.
Religion, Science & Faith - 
Tomαs and the Palm 
- Guest World Renowned Author Sergio Patα
14. Tomαs and the Palm
• World Renowned Author Sergio Patα • Tomαs and the Palm - By Sergio Patα • dream and to look for new ways... • Waninos? • The Statue of San Salicio and the Azula Bolino Stones • Discouragement and Despair • The Competition • El Diome de la Muerta • ...higher than he had ever been... • Tears streamed down her cheek..
Religion, Science & Faith - 
On the Way to a 
$2,000,000,000 Fortune 
13. On the Way to a $2,000,000,000 Fortune
• "Working on my second million dollars..." • Don Antonio • Fast Forward -- Thirty-something years later... • Side Note -- Common Sense -- Retail Business Start-up • Investment and FOX • When the second million began... • "Low and behold the answer reveals itself..." • $2,000,000,000?
Religion, Science & Faith - 
Destiny vs Free Will 
12. Destiny vs Free Will
• Hobbes or Aristotle...hardly • Decisions, decisions, decisions... • "Do-overs" • Survival - Instinctive Decisions, Coincidence or Fate? • Would Any Of Us Be Here? • Timing is everything... • The same question...
Religion, Science & Faith - 
A Quixotic Man  
11. A Quixotic Man
• Fantasy • Don't believe what you hear and half of what you see...
Religion, Science & Faith - 
The Da Vinci Code,  Conspiracies & Santa Claus 
10. The Da Vinci Code, Conspiracies & Santa Claus
• Cocktail Party Fodder • The Book In a Nutshell • Squelching and a "Grandmaster" • Beliefs Challenged? • After New Years and The Santa Claus Conspiracy • Now back to the Da Vinci Code...The Priory's Origins... and Monks from Calabria(?)
Art, Religion, Science, Technology, Faith & Philosophy - Crystals, shamans and two tailed lizards...
9. Crystals, shamans and two tailed lizards...
• Christianity vs. Superstition • Two-tailed Lizards? • A Gift of Crystal • What about shamans, fortune-tellers and so-called psychics.... • The Lone Pine Medicine Man
Art, Religion, Science, Technology, Faith & Philosophy - Party Faithful
8. Non-Partisan
• Knee-Jerk • Vote for "So & So" • Party, party, party! • Kerry or Bush • What was said... • Flip a coin?
Art, Religion, Science, Technology, Faith & Philosophy - A Character in Your Play
7. I Am Only... A Character In Your Play
• Relative to me... • 9 to 5? • Sooner or later everyone will let you down... • Back to the vacuum... • If a tree falls...
Art, Religion, Science, Technology, Faith & Philosophy, Explanation & President Reagan
6. Me & Politics... Mr. Ronald Reagan?
• Me & Politics... Mr. Ronald Reagan? • Faded Photographs - Hmmm... I was there... • Running for Governor • President Ronald Reagan • Postscript & Closure
Art, Religion, Science, Technology, Faith & Philosophy - Self
5. Self
• The person in the mirror • Opposites -- The Mirror vs the Camera • We are not symmetrical... • Back on topic...
Art, Religion, Science, Technology, Faith & Philosophy - Electric Vehicles, Hybrids, Business & Controlled Profits
4. Electric Vehicles, Hybrids, Business & Controlled Profits
• Electric Vehicles 1994 • Electric Vehicles 2001 • Hybrids... • So why hybrids and not pure electric vehicles? • Ratchet Effect • Lower volume and higher prices - what a great business plan!
Art, Religion, Science, Technology, Faith & Philosophy - Gasoline Prices
3. Gasoline Prices
• Misplaced Anger • Another example of what happens in a rising price market • The dealer must maintain volume
Art, Religion, Science, Technology, Faith & Philosophy - Postulating
2. Blogs & Postulating • Not a Blog! • Postulates*... • General postulates, laws, flaws of logic and operating principles • Art postulates, laws, flaws of logic and operating principles
Art, Religion, Science, Technology, Faith & Philosophy
1. Art, Religion, Science, Technology & Faith
• Searching • What happens next? • Who is correct? • What Exists? • Transistors... • Digital vs Analog...
Impressions and Comments
Please send your impressions or comments


Issues 0 | 1 | 2 | 3 | 4 | 5 | 6 | 7 | 8 | 9 | 10 | 11 | 12 | 13 | 14 | 15 | 16 | 17 | 18 | 19 | 20 | 21 | 22 | 23 | 24 | 25 | 26 | 27 | 28 | 29 | 30 | 31 | 32 |

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The quixotic mind of Lorenzo Gigliotti
All rights reserved © 2004 FG Enterprises, Long Beach, California